This is NTNU
NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.
At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.
You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process
. Video:
Would you like to work together with researchers and industry to develop energy-efficient waterborne transport, helping Europe to meet the ambitious emission reduction targets in the “Fit for 55”-strategy?
is seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate to contribute to a sustainable maritime industry by exploring and evaluating energy efficiency technologies (EETs) and developing decision-support tools for their effective implementation. The successful candidate will work closely with a multidisciplinary team to research, develop and implement innovative solutions to accelerate the transition to sustainable maritime industry. The proposed position is linked to the project FLEETfor55 (State-of-the-art sustainable energy efficiency technologies roadmap for waterborne transport towards the fit-for-55 guidance compliance) funded under the EC’s HORIZON-CL5-2024-D5-01-12 initiative.
The present PhD study will consider wind-assisted propulsion with selected hydrodynamic challenges related to this as focus. This includes drift, induced moments and use of rudder for course keeping. The applicant must have a strong background in marine hydrodynamics or applied mathematics, as the study will involve mathematical modelling and taking demanding PhD courses. Both potential flow theory and CFD will be applied. There are also possibilities for conducting model test.
As a PhD Candidate with us, you will work to achieve your doctorate, and at the same time gain valuable experience that qualifies you for a further career in higher education and research, in and outside academia.
Your immediate leader will be the Head of Department.
A PhD position has two primary goals. For one, you will learn how to do scientific research of high international standards, which shall lead to the award of a PhD degree. Second, you will produce results for the project you are working on.
Tasks include the following:
Be prepared for changes to your work duties after employment.
PLEASE NOTE: For detailed information about what the application must contain, see paragraph “About the application”.
If you cannot document skills in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish at upon employment, you must complete corresponding to at least 15 credits before the end of the employment period. NTNU will facilitate this.
The appointment is to be made in accordance with for general criteria for the position.
Emphasis will be placed on personal qualities.
You will be employed as a PhD Candidate at NTNU and will have access to .
Diversity is a strength, and at NTNU we aim to be an employer that reflects the diversity in society and that makes use of the potential of the population's collective skills. Our vision is and . We believe that an organization that is equal, diverse and gender-balanced is essential for us to achieve our goals.
We strive to attract employees with different skills, life experiences and perspectives to contribute to even better problem solving of our societal mission in research and education.
If you think this position is relevant and interesting, we encourage you to apply, regardless of gender, functional ability and cultural background, or whether you have been out of work for a period of time.
At NTNU we want to increase the proportion of women in scientific positions. We have a number of to promote equality.
In the position of PhD Candidate, code 1017, your gross salary will normally be NOK 536 200,- per annum depending on qualifications and seniority. A 2% statutory contribution to the State Pension Fund is deducted from the salary.
The employment period is 3 years. If learning Norwegian (level A2 corresponding to at least 15 credits) is to be completed before the end of the employment period, the employment period can be extended by 10 weeks after completed and documented the Norwegian course.
Appointment to a PhD position requires that you are admitted to the PhD programme in within three months of employment, and that you participate in an organized PhD programme during the employment period.
As an employee at NTNU, it is important that you keep yourself up to date with academic and organizational changes and adapt to them.
For the necessary academic and social interaction, it is a prerequisite that you are physically present and available to the institution on a daily basis.
The appointment is carried out in accordance with the principles of the , and (legislation that regulates the export of knowledge, technology and services). Candidates who, after assessment of the application and attachments, are considered to be in conflict with the criteria in the latter act, will not be able to be employed.
The attachments (including a description of your scientific work) must accompany the application as these documents form the basis of the application assessment. The documents must be in Norwegian/a Scandinavian language or English.
Please note: the application will only be assessed on the basis of the information we have received by the application deadline. Therefore, make sure that your application clearly shows how your skills and experience meet the criteria described above. The application and all attachments must be sent electronically via If you are invited to an interview, you must bring certified copies of certificates and diplomas upon request.
The application must include:
If all, or parts, of your education has been taken abroad, we also ask you to attach documentation of the scope and quality of your entire education, both Bachelor's and Master's education, in addition to other higher education. If your institution uses “diploma supplement” (normal for most European institutions), you must attach this. A description of the documentation required can also be found . If you already have a statement from , please attach this as well.
Joint works will be considered. If it is difficult to identify your contribution to joint work, you must attach a brief description of your participation.
When assessing the best qualified, we emphasize necessary qualifications such as education, experience and personal suitability. Motivation for the position, ambitions and potential for research will also count when assessing the candidates.
NTNU recognizes a wide range of academic contributions and has committed itself to The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment and CoARA (responsible assessment of research and recognition of a greater breadth of academic contributions in accordance with NTNU's social mission).
A public list of applicants with name, age, job title and municipality of residence is prepared after the application deadline. If you wish to be exempt from entry on the public applicant list, this must be justified. Assessment will be made in accordance with . You will be notified if the exemption is not granted.
If you think this position looks interesting and in line with your qualifications, you are welcome to apply.
If you have any questions about the position, please contact Professor Trygve Kristiansen, email Email. If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact HR Consultant Marit Gjersvold, email Email.
Application deadline: 06.04.2025
For practical information about
is a modern European city with a rich cultural scene. with a population of 200,000. The Norwegian welfare state, including healthcare, schools, kindergartens and overall equality, is probably the best of its kind in the world. Professional subsidized day-care for children is easily available. Furthermore, Trondheim offers great opportunities for education (including international schools) and possibilities to enjoy nature, culture and family life and has low crime rates and clean air quality.
Om arbeidsgiveren:
NTNU - knowledge for a better world
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) creates knowledge for a better world and solutions that can change everyday life.
Department of Marine Technology
We develop methods and technology related to the blue economy: oil and gas extraction at sea, ship technology and the equipment industry, fisheries and aquaculture. We also have a strong commitment to the development of sustainable solutions for offshore renewable energy, coastal infrastructure, and marine robotics. Marine technology helps to solve major global challenges related to the environment, climate, energy, food and efficient transport. is one of eight departments in
Om stillingenVed Fakultet for teknologi, naturvitenskap og maritime fag er det ledig fast 100% stilling som førsteamanuensis/universitetslektor i skipsfart, logistikk og distribusjon med tiltredelse 01.08.2025 eller etter avtale. Stillingen er knyttet til Institutt for maritime operasjoner, og nærmeste overordnede er instituttleder. Hovedarbeidssted er campus Vestfold.Ansvar og arbeidsoppgaverArbeidsoppgaver og ansvarsoppgaver vil omfatte:Undervisning og veiledning i emner på bachelor og masternivå, primært innen skipsfart, logistikk og distribusjon Utvikling av emner og kursDeltagelse i prosjekter og oppdragsvirksomhet herunder utarbeidelse av søknader og prosjektledelse.Stillingen er naturlig koblet til forskningsgruppen MARLOG.Undervisning på alle nivåer ved undervisningsløp knyttet til...
Position summary:Oslo University Hospital (OUS) is Norway’s largest biomedical research institution. We are seeking a motivated postdoctoral researcher in a 100 % position for three years, to join a multidisciplinary team investigating the dynamic evolution of colorectal cancer (CRC) from primary tumors to liver metastases. This position will focus on dissecting molecular and phenotypic differences between primary tumors and liver metastases using patient-derived organoids (PDOs), advanced live-cell imaging, and spatial transcriptomics. By integrating these cutting-edge methodologies with clinical data from the SYLMET trial (simultaneous vs. staged resection of CRC liver metastases), the project aims to uncover mechanisms of metastatic adaptation and identify biomarkers for personalized th...
A 3-year PhD fellowship is available at the Department of Immunology, Oslo University Hospital. The position will be located in the lab of Dr. Rasmus Iversen and will be available from August 2025. The research fellow will be enrolled in the PhD program of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, with the goal of successful completion of the PhD degree within the fellowship period. The research group focuses on B cell biology - in particular in relation to autoimmune diseases. Recently, B cell depletion therapy has emerged as a promising treatment for several autoimmune disease. However, we do not fully understand the pathogenic role of B cells. To gain insight into disease mechanisms, we employ a combination of biochemical studies and high-throughput sequencing analyses of single cell...
OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet er Norges tredje største universitet med 23 000 studenter og over 2600 ansatte. Vi har campus i Oslo sentrum og på Romerike. OsloMet leverer forskning og utdanning med høy relevans for arbeidslivet, velferdsstaten og storbyregionen.Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap tilbyr utdanninger på alle gradsnivåer, samt årsstudier, videreutdanninger og oppdragsundervisning. Fakultetet har et aktivt forskningsmiljø. Det er om lag 280 tilsatte og rundt 4400 studenter knyttet til fakultetet, som holder til i Pilestredet i Oslo sentrum.Institutt for arkiv-, bibliotek- og informasjonsfag er Norges ledende fagmiljø innen bibliotek og arkiv, og er lokalisert i Oslo, med ca 42 medarbeidere og ca 700 studenter. Instituttet er en del av iSchools og tilbyr utdanning og forskning innen...
Om stillingenVi søker deg som har et engasjement for eldre og som gjennom forskning og undervisning ønsker å bidra til en bedre hverdag for hjemmeboende eldre.Ved fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap, Universitetet i Innlandet (INN) ved campus Elverum er det ledig en stilling som stipendiat fra 01.09.2025 innen fagområdet helsetjenester til eldre. Stillingen er for en åremålsperiode på fire år, der 25 % av tiden er bestående av karrierefremmende arbeid knyttet til forskning, undervisning og formidling med tilknytning til den tverrfaglige videreutdanningen i eldreomsorg med vekt på psykisk helse, ved institutt for helse og sykepleievitenskap (IHS). Endelig plan for forskerutdanningen skal være godkjent og avtalefestet senest innen tre måneder etter tiltredelse. Som stipendiat ved INN vil ...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process . Video: About the positionAre you motivated to take a step towards a doctorate and open up exciting career opportunities? As a PhD Candidate with us, you will work to achieve your doctorate, and at the same time gain valuable experience that qualifies you for a further career in higher education and research, in and outside academia.Your immediate leader will be the Head of Department.About the proposalThe PhD candidate should de...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process . Video: About the positionThe Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has a vacancy for a PhD Candidate in the Norwegian Research Centre for Renewal of Hydropower Technology, (). RenewHydro is a new research center for environmentally friendly energy that will develop hydropower to be more flexible and contribute to more sustainable renewable energy. With increased cooperation and new knowledge in technology, marke...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process . Video: About the positionThe Department of Energy and Process Engineering has a vacancy for a 3 or 4-year PhD position in microscale fluid mechanics. The start date is no later than August/September 2025. The location for this PhD position is Trondheim, at the Thermal Two-Phase Flow Laboratory (). Are you motivated to take a step towards a doctorate and open up exciting career opportunities? As a PhD Candidate with us, you will ...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process . Video: About the positionThe Center for Research-driven Innovation NorwAI () explores ways to study and apply Aritifical Intelligence (AI) technology in innovative ways. Together with many partners from academia and industry, we work in different work packages. The position is associated with the DATA work package. We aim for a close collaboration between the candidate and domain experts from our partners.Are you motivated to ta...
About the positionThe Faculty of Social and Health Sciences at University of Inland Norway (INN) invites applications for a PhD Research Fellowship in the field of welfare, service systems, family caregivers, and disability.The duration of the PhD Research Fellow is 4 years, including 25 % research, teaching and supervision obligations each year in the bachelor program of social work distributed over the period of employment. Specific contributions to the bachelor program will depend on the candidate’s qualifications and preferences, in alignment with the department’s need for teaching and other student-related tasks. It is a requirement that the PhD research fellow qualifies for admission to the University's (HELVEL). The final plan of the doctoral education program must be approved and ...
About the positionThe Department of Plant Science (IPV), Faculty of Bioscience(BIOVIT) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant 3- year PhD–position related to related to recently funded SmartWheat project by the Norwegian Research Council. The PhD candidate will develop AI-driven models to analyze UAV-based multispectral, hyperspectral, and RGB imagery. These models will integrate crop growth models, agronomic data, and genomic data to predict key wheat traits under varying climate conditions. The position is based at NMBU, with close collaboration with plant breeders at Graminor and industry partners such as Telia, Aersea, and Felleskjøpet. The candidate is expected to undertake research stays at Wageningen University and Research and gain practical plant breedin...
UiB - Knowledge that shapes societyThrough robust and close interaction with the world around us – globally, nationally and locally – we shall be instrumental in building a society based on knowledge, skills and attitudes.Do you want to take part in shaping the future?. Video: PhD positionThere is a vacancy for a PhD position in System Dynamics at the Department of Geography. About the project/work tasks:The position is part of the Belmont Forum project “ComDisp: Community-Centered Modeling of Housing-Related Health Disparities.” ComDisp develops a grassroots modeling framework to predict health disparities under different climate change scenarios. Addressing housing-related health risks in the USA, Vietnam, Turkey, and Ecuador, the project integrates community engagement, data science, an...
UiB - Kunnskap som formar samfunnetGjennom eit sterkt og tett samspel med omverda - globalt, nasjonalt og lokalt - skal vi medverke til eit samfunn bygd på kunnskap, ferdigheiter og haldningar.Vil du vere med å forme framtida?. Video: UniversitetslektorVed Det medisinske fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen, er det ledig ei åremålsstilling som universitetslektor (20 % ekstraerverv «bistilling») i medisin (arbeidsmedisin) ved Stillinga er for inntil tre (3) år frå våren/hausten 2025 etter nærare avtale. Bistillinga er knytt til fast relevant hovudstilling som arbeidsmedisinar (minimum 50 %) ved relevant eining. Arbeidsstad er Stavanger.Vi søkjer etter nye kollegaer som saman med tilsette ved institutta vil bidra til framifrå undervisning for medisinstudentane i Stavanger i pilotprosjektet Vest...
About the positionThe position is a full-time four-year PhD student position. The four-year contract includes a year of required duties. Alternatively, the candidate may choose a three-year position which excludes these duties. Applications are also open to this year's master's candidates, with the requirement that the master's degree must be completed by July 1st, 2025. The desired start date is during August, and no later than September 1st.The project Understanding the role of continuum emission in the auroral ionosphere aims to advance our understanding of the newly discovered broadband auroral emission, called continuum emission. Unlike the most commonly seen green and red light where only a very narrow spectral band is enhanced, the continuum emission enhancement includes the whole v...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process . Video: About the positionDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering (IBM) has a vacancy for a PhD Candidate in the Norwegian Research Centre for Renewal of Hydropower Technology, . RenewHydro is a new research center for environmentally friendly energy that will develop hydropower to be more flexible and contribute to more sustainable renewable energy. With increased cooperation and new knowledge in technology, markets, e...
Helse Førde lyser ut PhD-stipend i 50% stilling over 6 år. Stillinga skal kombinerast med klinisk/fagleg arbeid i Helse Førde. Vi ønskjer forskingsprosjekt av høg kvalitet og klinisk nytteverdi, og som bidreg i vidare oppbygging av eit aktivt forskingsmiljø. Prosjekt som støttar opp om Vestlandslegen er ønskjeleg. PhD-stipendet er fullfinansiert for heile PhD-perioden. Kandidaten pliktar å søkje om ekstern finansiering frå Helse Vest og andre aktuelle kjelder årleg, slik at interne midlar kan fristillast til nye kandidatar i miljøoppbygginga. Krav til kandidaten som ein garanterar forKandidaten har lokalt forankra rettleiar i Helse FørdeProsjekt og doktorgradsplan er forankra i det aktuelle fagmiljøet og i linja i Helse FørdeSøknaden er støtta hjå næraste leiarLeverer årleg søknad om ekst...
Om stillingenVed fakultet for Helse- og sosialvitenskap (HSV), Universitetet i Innlandet (INN) er det ledig en stilling som stipendiat innen fagområdet helhetlig behandling og oppfølging etter traumatiske livshendelser. Langvarige stressreaksjoner og ettervirkninger av traumatiske hendelser kan føre til uførhet og psykisk uhelse.Stillingen er for en åremålsperiode på fire år der 25 % av tiden er bundet til karrierefremmende arbeid ved institutt for helse- og sykepleievitenskap (IHS). Stillingen kan etter avtale vurderes til 3 år uten karrierefremmende arbeid. Endelig plan for forskerutdanningen skal være godkjent og avtalefestet senest innen tre måneder etter tiltredelse. Stipendiaten må søke og få godkjent opptak ved forskerutdanningsprogrammet Helse og velferd . Doktorgradsprogrammet Hel...
Om stillingenLovisenberg diakonale høgskole (LDH) er i stadig utvikling. Vi bygger opp og utvider og derfor søker vi nå førsteamanuensis/førstelektor/høgskolelektor med mastergrad i avansert klinisk sykepleie (AKS) til en fast 100 % stilling knyttet til masterstudiet i avansert klinisk allmennsykepleie (MAL). Vi søker deg som ønsker å bidra til økt klinisk og akademisk kunnskap og kompetanse for en helsetjeneste i utvikling. Masterstudiet i avansert klinisk allmennsykepleie (MAL) gir klinisk vurderings- og handlingskompetanse og kvalifiserer til å håndtere fremtidige utfordringer i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene. MAL gir muligheter for å søke spesialistgodkjenning (AKS) etter endt studium. Studiet gjennomføres med et fleksibelt læringsdesign.Det var ved LDH Norges første sykeplei...
About the PhD fellowship:Algae-derived bioactive compounds are increasingly recognized as functional components in feeds and represent one of the active research areas at the Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture, supported by national and international projects. Through multidisciplinary research we investigate their bioactive properties to develop high-value products for application in aquafeeds.The faculty seeks to recruit a PhD candidate (3 years, with possibility of an additional year) to work in this research field. The candidate will focus on examining how specific algal compounds act both at the cellular and organismal level. Using salmon as the model, the studies will employ primary cells and established cell lines to uncover the functional potential of algal compounds. This will...
Om stillingenVed Nord universitet, Fakultet for sykepleie og helsevitenskap, er det ledig en midlertidig stilling som stipendiat i profesjonsvitenskap, med fokus på optimalisering av kompetansebruk i hjemmebaserte tjenester. Ansettelsesperioden er enten 100 % i tre år, eller fire år med 75 % stipendiattid og 25 % pliktarbeid. Ønsket tiltredelse er 1. august 2025.Doktorgradsprosjektet inngår i en av fire arbeidspakker i forskningsprosjektet OptiCare-AI: AI-Driven Solutions for Full-Time Culture and Competence Utilization, finanisert av Norges Forskningsråd. Som stipendiat vil du bli en del av et erfarent forskningsteam hvor det også inngår en annen stipendiat med samtidig oppstart, ansatt i Vestvågøy kommune.Til tross for at Norge har en av verdens høyeste andeler helsepersonell, sliter man...