About the position
One positions as doctoral fellow in renewable energy is available at the School of Economics and Business at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). The fellowship period is 3 years, with the possibility of extension for up to one year. Preferred starting date: August 15, 2025.
The PhD scholarship is funded by a national centre for environmentally friendly energy production (FME) supported by the Research Council. The PhD candidate will be included in FME RenewHydro, which aims to develop knowledge on flexible hydropower to support the realization of a sustainable energy transition. This centre unites top researchers, PhD students, and industry partners in an 8-year research project.
At NMBU, the PhD candidate will join a strong scientific community on renewable energy. The candidate will work alongside PhD students, Master students, and researchers from the School of Economics and Business (HH) and the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) on social acceptance of renewable energy solutions. The core team includes energy and environment economists from both faculties.
The PhD research should provide new knowledge on the environmental, climate, social, and economic impacts of renewable energy projects using surveys, including discrete choice experiments and statistical analyses.
Hydropower projects has mixed effects, leading to potential goal conflicts. Discrete choice experiments help us understand how people value these trade-offs, contributing to design more balanced technological projects and policies that consider people’s preferences.
We use market research companies to conduct national or regional surveys with experiments. The responses are analysed statistically to quantify which consequences are valued more. Therefore, the position is ideal for those who enjoy working on renewable energy development and have an interest and skills in quantitative methods.
An application for a PhD position at NMBU is at the same time an application for admission to a PhD programme at the institution. The documentation that is necessary to ensure that the admission requirements are fulfilled must be uploaded as an attachment.
The PhD student’s tasks will include:
The successful candidate is expected to submit a plan for the progress of the work towards a PhD degree during the first months of the appointment, with ambition to complete a doctorate within the PhD scholarship period.
Information about the FME research centre RenewHydro can be found here:
Information about being a PhD candidate in RenewHydro can be found here (Norwegian text only):
The successful applicant must meet the conditions defined for admission to a PhD programme at NMBU. The applicant must have an academically relevant education corresponding to a five-year master’s degree, with a learning outcome corresponding to the descriptions in the Norwegian Qualification Framework, second cycle. For more detailed information on the admission criteria please see the .
Please note that the person hired will work with critical infrastructure and areas affected by controls on the export of strategic goods, services and technology. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for the necessary security clearance, access clearance and authorization as described in the National Security Act, the Export Control Act and the Act on the Implementation of International Sanctions (Sanctions Act) cannot be considered.
Required Academic qualifications
The following experiences and skills will be emphasized:
You need to have:
The position is placed in government pay scale position code 1017 PhD. Fellow. PhD. Fellows are normally placed in pay grade 54 (NOK 532 200) on the Norwegian Government salary scale upon employment and follow ordinary meriting regulations.
Employment is conducted according to national guidelines for University and Technical College PhD scholars.
For further information, please contact
To apply online for this vacancy, please click on the 'Apply for this job' button above. This will route you to the University's Web Recruitment System, where you will need to register an account (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.
Application deadline: 22.04.2025
Your CV must be entered in JobbNorge's CV form and not just included as an attachment. This is to be able to comply with the regulations of §15 of the Public Administration Act.
In the application, the candidate must confirm that information and documentation (in the form of attachments) submitted via the job application can also be used by NMBU in a possible admission process.
Applicants invited for an interview are expected to present original diplomas and certificates.
The following documents must be attached to the application:
The School of Economics and Business is one of seven faculties at NMBU. Our mission is to create knowledge across the fields of economics and business administration, and to develop professionals and leaders who combine an economic mindset with multidisciplinary knowledge equipped to address real-world problems with sustainability as a guiding principle. The School of Economics and Business offers bachelor and master programmes in Business Administration and in Economics, a master programme in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Bioeconomy, and a PhD program in Economics and Business. These degree programmes have approximately 700 students. The School has 55 faculty and staff members and more than 40 PhD students. For more information, see
Om arbeidsgiveren:
NMBU will contribute to securing the future of life through outstanding research, education, communication and innovation. We have the country's most satisfied university students, who receive research-based education in a unique student environment. Our graduates gain a high level of competence in interdisciplinary collaboration and are popular in the labor market.
NMBU has internationally leading research environments in several subjects. Together with our partners in society and business, we contribute to solving some of the biggest societal challenges of our time. We focus on innovation, communication and entrepreneurship because we believe these challenges are best solved with joint efforts. We believe that a good working environment is characterized by diversity.If necessary, workplace adaptations will be made for persons with disabilities. More information about NMBU is available at
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About the positionThe Arctic Geology Department is looking for a highly motivated, independent geo-scientist for a fulltime four-year PhD student position on the spatial and temporal natural gas emissions at present and in geological deep time. The four-year contract includes a year of required duties. Alternatively, the candidate may choose a three-year position which excludes these duties. Applications are also opento this year's master's candidates, with the requirement that the master's degree must be completed by July 1st, 2025. The desired start date is during August, and no later than September 1st.It is well documented that methane is actively leaking through the Barents Shelf, both onshore and in Svalbard’s fjords. Active gas seepage is well documented beneath the geologically rec...
About the positionThe Arctic Biology Department is looking for a highly motivated, independent marine ecologist for a full-time four-year PhD student position on the meiobenthos of Arctic methane-based ecosystems. The four-year contract includes a year of required duties. Alternatively, the candidate may choose a three-year position which excludes these duties. Applications are also open to this year's master's candidates, with the requirement that the master's degree must be completed by July 1st, 2025. The desired start date is during August, and no later than September 1st.The project will involve analyzing meiofauna samples collected from various Arctic locations where seafloor sediment is enriched in methane and sulfide due to subsurface reservoirs or transport from submarine groundwa...
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About the position and projectThe position is a full-time four-year PhD student position. The four-year contract includes a year of required duties. Alternatively, the candidate may choose a three-year position which excludes these duties. Applications are also open to this year's master's candidates, with the requirement that the master's degree must be completed by July 1st, 2025. The desired start date is during August, and no later than September 1st. The PhD. position to be filled is titled “Assessing and improving the accuracy of cryosphere Essential Climate Variable (ECV) retrievals from European satellite missions” The candidate will work towards closing the recognized knowledge gaps for the future European satellite earth observation missions. Core of the project is collecting ref...
About the positionThe PhD employment contract is for four years. The four-year contract includes a year of required duties. Alternatively, the candidate may choose a three-year position which excludes these duties. Applications are also open to this year's master's candidates, with the requirement that the master's degree must be completed by July 1st, 2025. The desired start date is during August, and no later than September 1st.The project on auroral emission intensities aims to advance our understanding of what the auroral intensities can tell us about the near-Earth space connecting to the upper atmosphere. The goal is to construct a long-term and diurnal distribution of auroral intensities in human understandable units from several different optical auroral instruments over two differ...
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Om stillingenLovisenberg diakonale høgskole (LDH) er i stadig utvikling. Vi bygger opp og utvider og derfor søker vi nå førsteamanuensis/førstelektor/høgskolelektor med breddekompetanse i avansert klinisk sykepleie til en fast 100 % stilling. Vi søker deg som ønsker å bidra til økt klinisk og akademisk kunnskap og kompetanse for en helsetjeneste i utvikling. I tett samarbeid med flere helseforetak startet vi høsten 2024 videreutdanning i avansert klinisk sykepleie (VIKS) som gir fordypning i gastro-, kardio-, nevro- og lungesykepleie, i tillegg til breddekompetanse i klinisk sykepleie. Videreutdanningen gir innpass til masterstudiet i avansert klinisk sykepleie med spesialisering i allmennsykepleie (MAKS allmenn) for spesialisthelsetjenesten. VIKS har vært en ettertraktet utdanning og nest...
Dette er NTNUNTNU er et breddeuniversitet med en teknisk-naturvitenskapelig hovedprofil og et tyngdepunkt innen profesjonsutdanning. Universitetet er lokalisert i tre byer med hovedsete i Trondheim.På NTNU jobber 9 000 ansatte og 43 000 studenter med å skape kunnskap for en bedre verden.Du finner mer informasjon om NTNU som arbeidsplass og søknadsprosessen . . Video: Om stillingenEr du motivert for å ta steget mot en doktorgrad og åpne opp for spennende karrieremuligheter? Vi søker deg som er interessert i å ta en doktorgrad koblet til vårt tverrfaglige satsningsområde samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap (NTNU Samfunnssikkerhet). Området handler om samfunnets evne til å verne seg mot og håndtere hendelser som truer grunnleggende verdier og funksjoner og setter liv og helse i fare.Som doktorgrad...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process . Video: About the strategic area Ocean and coast is one of five strategic research areas at NTNU. The idea behind these research areas is that complex societal challenges (such as the climate crisis) must be solved collectively. These strategic research areas are therefore established to promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. The goal is to develop new solutions through radical interdisciplinarity, thereby cont...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You can find more information about working at NTNU and the application process . . Video: About the strategic area Ocean and coast is one of five strategic research areas at NTNU. The idea behind these research areas is that complex societal challenges (such as the climate crisis) must be solved collectively. These strategic research areas are therefore established to promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. The goal is to develop new solutions through radical interdisciplinarity, thereby co...
Om stillingenDet er en ledig stilling som stipendiat i Klinisk nevrovitenskapelig forskningsgruppe (Clinical Neurosceience Research Group: CNRG) ved Psykologisk institutt, Samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo. Stillingen er knyttet opp til prosjektet «Digital interventions for relapse prevention in adolescence», som er finansiert av Kavli og Universitetet i Oslo. Stipendiaten må ta del i instituttets Ph.D-program og er forventet å fullføre prosjektet innen tilsettingsperioden. Formålet med stillingen er å opparbeide forskningskompetanse som leder opp til en doktorgrad. Stillingen har planlagt oppstart vår/sommer 2025. Tilsettingen er for tre år, med mulighet for inntil ett års tillegg av undervisningsplikt, avhengig av søkers kompetanse i forhold til undervisningsbehov.Me...
About the positionUSN School of Business has a 100 % position vacancy as a PhD Research Fellow in Management. In this PhD project the successful candidate will be able to investigate how different work-related factors relate to employee motivation, performance, and work-related health. Commencement date is 01.09.2025 or after agreement and the appointment is for a term of four years with 25% work obligation. A premise for employment that the PhD Research Fellow is enrolled in USN’s within three months of accession in the position.The position is in the Department of Business, Marketing, and Law, and reports to the Head of Department. The place of employment is .About the PhD-projectThe PhD position is in the research group at USN School of Business, under the supervision of Professor Anj...
Veahkkegoahtejoiheaddji virgi rabasSámi allaskuvla ohcá fágalaat nanu, duostilis ja fátmmasteaddji joiheaddji guhte háliida ja máhttá leat mielde ovdánahttimen Sámi allaskuvlla njunuš sámi ja eamiálbmot alit oahppo- ja dutkanásahussan. Giela-, duoji- ja servodatdiehtagiid (GDS) goai veahkkegoahtejoiheaddjis lea ovttas goai joiheaddjin guovddáš strategalaš sadji Sámi allaskuvllas. Su ovddasvástádussan lea joihit goai oahpporesurssaid daid rámmaid siskkobealde maid allaskuvllastivrra ja goai goahtejoiheaddji mearridit. Son galgá ovttas njunuš sámi fágabirrasiin leat mielde olaheame Sámi allaskuvlla strategalaš mihtuid ja ulbmiliid. GDS goai veahkkegoahtejoiheaddji joiha ovttas goai joiheddjiin ossodaga masa gullet sullii 40 bargi, 8-10 stipendiáhta. Sámi allaskuvla lea nuppástuhttinproseassa...
About the positionNHH in Bergen, Norway, invites applications for a position as Associate Professor in Marketing at the . We are seeking candidates with an ambitious research agenda and strong educational skills within the field of marketing.The successful candidate is an active researcher in areas such as consumer behavior, marketing analytics and/or marketing management in consumer and/or business markets. Experience related to seeking external research funding is an advantage. Candidates must possess a PhD in marketing or related field from an internationally accredited institution.The faculty at the department is responsible for courses at the bachelor, master, and PhD levels, educating students who are among the most ambitious in Norway. In addition, the faculty takes the lead in cour...