About the position
(TIK) at the University of Oslo (UiO) invites applications for one Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the intersection of STS and Cultural Studies/Humanities.
The position is part of “Stakes of democracy in times of crisis: Trust, Nature and Value (Stakes of democracy)”, a project and research group across the humanities, social sciences, and law, funded by the University of Oslo’s strategic initiative UiO:Democracy. The group is led by Professor Kristin Asdal in cooperation with Professor Helge Jordheim. The post doctor will be based at the TIK Centre and affiliated with the TIK Centre’s research group .
The overriding idea for “Stakes of democracy” is that crises are key moments for understanding how democracies work and proceed. Crises are disruptions that let the ordinary and the everyday of democratic procedure come into view. Second, crises are key events for examining and understanding what is at stake in democracy, they are events where what we stand to lose if democratic procedures fail is articulated and made tangible. They show us the stakes of democracy.
“Stakes of democracy” is formed around three such vital stakes: trust, nature, and value. These three stakes are simultaneously analytical categories that conceptually and methodologically guide the group’s empirical research. In addition to the PI’s, the core research group includes Professor Dag Michalsen and Associate Professor Tone Huse. The group will work together and across all the three stakes, bringing their own materials and competences to bear on the research questions and the three stakes nature, value, trust around which the project is organized.
The research group will develop the analytic lens of democracy and the crisis of trust, nature, and value through building a Nordic-based network of mid-career and younger scholars. Researcher- and PhD-training will be one of the means to build a democracy-research platform of engagement and excellence across the social sciences, humanities, and law.
The detailed project description is available and should be read by potential candidates.
The successful candidate will develop his/her research project within the overall frame of ”Stakes of democracy”. The candidate’s project might address or combine several stakes outlined above (Democracy and the crisis of trust; Democracy and the crisis in nature; Democracy and the crisis of value).He/she must point out which of the three stakes or combinations of them will be the candidate’s main focus area(s), and describe how this research plan contributes both to the overall project and to its different parts.
The ideal candidate will have a track record in STS and/or cultural history. The position will focus particularly on conducting original empirically based work that contributes to theoretical development and empirical knowledge both within the “Stakes of democracy” research areas and within the field(s) of STS and/or cultural history.
A postdoctoral position is intended for the employee to develop a research profile and competence that qualifies them to apply for an Associate Professor position. “Stakes of democracy” will equip young talented scholars with skills and research and publishing training and thus supporting careers. A series of mid-career workshops will contribute to increase the candidate’s academic network.
A career plan shall be developed for the Postdoctoral Fellow, specifying the competencies the Postdoctoral Fellow should acquire. UiO is responsible for following up on the career plan and ensuring that the Postdoctoral Fellow has access to career guidance throughout the postdoctoral term.
This position requires an interest in dissemination work and the successful candidate is expected to organize and participate in such events, as well as actively contributing to the activities and ‘everyday life’ of the overall project.
The contract will commence in autumn 2025, run for 3 years full time, and the location of employment is Oslo, Norway.
The position encompasses possibilities for teaching tasks within TIK’s Ph.D., bachelor and master programs, including supervision of candidates and students within these programs, according to the TIK Centre’s needs and the candidate’s profile or interests. If such tasks are agreed upon, the contract will be extended accordingly.
Qualification requirements
Preferred qualifications
The evaluation of the candidates will be based on a comprehensive assessment of all qualifications – required as well as preferred - applicable to the position, including personal qualifications. The best qualified candidates will be invited for interviews.
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Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.
If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, employment gaps or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these categories to an interview.
More information about gender equality initiatives at UiO can be found
Your application should include:
Application with attachments must be submitted via our recruitment system Jobbnorge, click "Apply for the position".
When applying for the position, we ask you to retrieve your education results from . If your education results are not available through Vitnemålsportalen, we ask you to upload copies of your transcripts or grades. Please note that all documentation must be in English or a Scandinavian language.
The best qualified candidates will be invited for interviews.
Applicant lists can be published in accordance with § 25. When you apply for a position with us, your name will appear on the public applicant list. It is possible to request to be excluded from this list. You must justify why you want an exemption from publication and we will then decide whether we can grant your request. If we cannot you will hear from us.
Please refer to (Norwegian) and (Norwegian).
The University of Oslo has a with all employees that is intended to secure the rights to all research results etc.
Om arbeidsgiveren:
The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest ranked educational and research institution, with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. With its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally recognised research communities, UiO is an important contributor to society.
TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture is a cross disciplinary unit at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Oslo. TIK is home to 40 staff members working in research, education and research communication in innovation and science and technology studies (STS). A major part of TIK’s activity is externally funded research. TIK also offers postgraduate education; a PhD-programme and two Master programmes.
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Dette er NTNUNTNU er et breddeuniversitet med en teknisk-naturvitenskapelig hovedprofil og et tyngdepunkt innen profesjonsutdanning. Universitetet er lokalisert i tre byer med hovedsete i Trondheim.På NTNU jobber 9 000 ansatte og 43 000 studenter med å skape kunnskap for en bedre verden.Du finner mer informasjon om NTNU som arbeidsplass og søknadsprosessen . . Video: BakgrunnVed (IØT) har vi ledig to stillinger som stipendiat i industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse. Stillingene er for en periode på tre år. Dette er utdanningsstillinger som skal gi lovende forskerrekrutter anledning til faglig utvikling i form av en doktorgrad.Stillingene er knyttet til ph.d.-programmet i økonomi og ledelse, studieretning industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse.Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknol...
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UiB - Kunnskap som formar samfunnetGjennom eit sterkt og tett samspel med omverda - globalt, nasjonalt og lokalt - skal vi medverke til eit samfunn bygd på kunnskap, ferdigheiter og haldningar.Vil du vere med å forme framtida?. Video: Stipendiat i organometallisk kjemi og katalyseVed er det ledig ei stilling som ph.d.-stipendiat i eksperimentell organometallisk kjemi og homogen katalyse. Stillinga er for ein åremålsperiode på tre år, med høve til eit fjerde år som består av karrierefremmande arbeid (til dømes undervisning). Stillinga er finansiert av Universitetet i Bergen.Om prosjektet/arbeidsoppgåver:Hovudmålet med dette prosjektet er å utvikla katalysatorar som er meir eigna for industrielle applikasjonar i produksjon av CO2-baserte polymerar. Den som blir tilsett, vil designe, synteti...
Dette er NTNUNTNU er et breddeuniversitet med en teknisk-naturvitenskapelig hovedprofil og et tyngdepunkt innen profesjonsutdanning. Universitetet er lokalisert i tre byer med hovedsete i Trondheim.På NTNU jobber 9 000 ansatte og 43 000 studenter med å skape kunnskap for en bedre verden.Du finner mer informasjon om NTNU som arbeidsplass og søkeprosessen .. Video: BakgrunnEr du klar for å ta forskerkarrieren din til neste nivå? Vi tilbyr en spennende 3-årig postdoktorstilling som gir deg muligheten til å utvikle en sterk forskerprofil. Du vil også opparbeide deg verdifull erfaring som vil kunne være relevant for din videre karriere. En postdoktorstilling har som formål at den ansatte skal opparbeide seg en forskerprofil og kompetanse som gjør vedkommende kvalifisert for å søke stilling som ...
The positionA PhD position is available at the (ITS), with the research group Advanced Maritime Ship Operations.ITS is organised under the Faculty of Science and Technology and is located at three campuses: Tromsø, Bardufoss and Harstad. The department has approximately 90 employees and approximately 600 students. It offers undergraduate, master’s, and PhD degree programmes as well as research in the areas of nautical science, aviation, societal safety, environment, and international preparedness.The position is for a period of three years. The objective of the position is to complete research training to the level of a doctoral degree. Admission to the PhD programme is a prerequisite for employment, and the programme period starts on commencement of the position.The workplace is at UiT ...
Bargoviidodat virggisSámi allaskuvlla Sámi oahpaheaddjeoahpuid goais lea rabas 100 % bistevaš pedagogihkkavirgi vuosttašamanueansan, vuosttašlektorin dahje allaskuvlalektorin. Álgin sohppojuvvo muhto lea sávahahtti ahte álgá 1.8.2025. Virgái gullá erenoamáit oahpahus vuooskuvlaoahpaheaddjeoahpuin. Sámi oahpaheaddjeoahpuid goais lea nana sámi pedagogihkka ja fágadidaktihka fágabiras. Goais leat sámegielat fágabiras ja sámegiella lea váldogiella oahpahusas, dutkamis ja gaskkusteamis. Bargui gullá earret eará: Iešguet oahpahan-, koordineren-, bagadallan- ja hálddašanbarggut oahppoprográmmain, oahppoovttadagain, ja lassi- ja joatkkaoahpuin. Ovdánahttit oahppoprográmmaid, oahppoovttadagaid, ja lassi- ja joatkkaoahpuid. Ágiruššat ovdánahttit oahpaheaddjeoahpuid fágabirrasa, ovddidit kvalitehta ...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process . Video: About the positionThe Department of Materials Science and Engineering (IMA) at the Natural Science Faculty, has a vacancy for a position as PhD candidate related to development of an emerging battery technology based on aluminium anodes and carbon cathodes. The PhD project is affiliated to the strategic research area TSO Energy at NTNU. The candidate will be part of a PhD pool devoted to various aspects of renewable energ...
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About the position At the Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics, Department of Computer Science and Communication, there is a full time (100 %) fixed term position of Doctoral Research Fellow available for three (3) years. The position is affiliated with the academic environment of Interaction Design and Computer Supported Collaborative Work. The position is part of the research initiative “The Digital Society” at Østfold University College. The main place of work will be at our campus in Halden, but some presence at our campus in Fredrikstad may be expected.Within the project, the PhD candidate will work mainly in the following areas:Participatory Design (PD) will be used as the methodology to address research questions. PD is the democratic approach to designing technolo...
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About the positionFaculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant three-year postdoctoral position related to remote sensing of forest biodiversity. The postdoctoral fellow will work closely with an interdisciplinary team of researchers from NMBU and University of Oslo in the project, funded by the Research Council of Norway. The main objective is to develop a method for predicting biodiversity in boreal forests. The purpose is to give forest managers improved management tools to mitigate species loss. This will be achieved by connecting remotely sensed data and ground biodiversity surveys primarily based on eDNA. Our new colleague will contribute by developing airborne laser scanning (ALS) and multispectr...
About the positionThe Department of Urban and Regional Planning (BYREG), Faculty of Landscape and Society (LANDSAM) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) is offering a PhD position related to Planning Theory, starting on 1 September 2025. The PhD position period is 3 years.The planning community has extensively discussed the importance of promoting compact development, efficient land use, and environmental conservation. These objectives are often not fully realised, leading to spatial issues such as urban sprawl, inefficient land use, and environmental degradation. This PhD position presents an exciting opportunity to sharpen the understanding of the gap between the ambitious goals of planning and implementation of sustainable urban development. Responding to this theme, appl...
Om stillingenVed på Universitetet i Innlandet (INN) har vi en ledig stilling som stipendiat i helsevitenskap. Stipendiatperioden varer i fire år, hvor du vil bruke 75% av tiden på forskning og 25% på karrierefremmende arbeid.Som stipendiat vil du være en del av forskningsgruppen , og vi forventer at du deltar aktivt i gruppens arbeid. Forskergruppens arbeid retter seg mot å knytte forskning, utdanning, praksis og næringsliv sammen med mål om å utvikle innovative helse - og omsorgstjenester av god kvalitet og i tråd med nasjonale retningslinjer, pasienter, pårørende og helsepersonell sine preferanser.For å få stillingen må du bli tatt opp på fakultetets doktorgradsprogram (ph.d.) som er en interdisiplinær forskerutdanning med utgangspunkt i sosialvitenskap, helsevitenskap, folkehelsevitens...
Om stillingen / arbeidsoppgaverHøgskolen i Molde, Avdeling for økonomi og samfunnsvitenskap, har ledig en stipendiatstilling i ledelse i helse- og sosialsektoren, tilknyttet vårt doktorgradsprogram i helse- og sosialfag: «Profesjonsutøving – vilkår og utvikling». For videre lesning om dette programmet, se Ledelse i helse- og sosialtjenesten er en viktig del av HiMoldes satsingsområder. Avdeling for økonomi og samfunnsvitenskap tilbyr Master i helseledelse i samarbeid med NTNU Ålesund og Høgskulen i Volda, og har en forskningsgruppe med stor forskningsaktivitet. Du kan lese mer om mastergraden her: Her kan du lese mer om forskningsgruppen helse og velferdsforskning: . Tema for doktorgradsarbeidet, og utgangspunkt for prosjektbeskrivelse Vi ønsker prosjekt som tematiserer ledelse og organise...