
  • Omvisar ved stavkyrkje mai og juni


    Har du interesse og kunnskap om kulturhistorie! Likar du å omgås folk, og er glad i og har erfaring frå å formidle. Me søkjer museumsvertar til Borgund stavkyrkje i perioden mai til og med juni.ArbeidsoppgåverTa imot og informere gjester, billett- og butikksal.Omvisning på norsk og engelsk. Også andre språk er ynskjeleg.Dagleg tilsyn i utstillingane og museumsbutikk.Opne og stenge stavkyrkja.Reingjering.Andre førefallende oppgåver.Me søkjer deg somer flink til å uttrykkje deg munnleg på fleire språk.Trivast å arbeide med mennesker.Tilpassar deg og trivast med varierte oppgåver.Er fleksibel og kan jobbe i helger.Er serviceinnstilt.Kan formidle og guide på engelsk, italienks, fransk, tysk eller spansk.Me tilbyrEin spennande og interessant arbeidsplassOpplæringRettferdig lønHjelper til med å ...

  • Bring your Energy to TechnipFMC as our Project Planner in Stav...

    02.03.2025 Updated on: 04.03.2025

    Job PurposeJoin TechnipFMC as a Project Planner II and become the driving force behind our project success! Lead the charge in planning and scheduling diverse projects, ensuring they are executed with precision and efficiency. Be a catalyst for innovation and excellence in project planning and control, and make a significant impact on our journey to redefine the future of energy. Application deadline: 09.03.2025.Job DescriptionManage Schedules: Create, maintain, and report on project, R&D, stocking, and engineering schedules. Support Production: Assist with production schedules and tender schedules. Material & Resource Planning: Track and report on material, resources, and delivery metrics. Process Improvement: Lead and assist in process improvement initiatives within the planning departme...

  • Specialist in pulmonology wanted for Volda hospital in Møre og...

    Company KLETOR AS in Other
    28.02.2025 Updated on: 01.03.2025

    We are seeking a dedicated and skilled pulmonologist to join the medical team at Volda Hospital, part of Helse Møre og Romsdal HF.The Department of Medicine at Volda Hospital comprises 10 senior physicians, specializing in areas such as gastroenterology, cardiology, endocrinology, geriatrics, hematology and pulmonology. The department also has 19 positions for resident doctors. The hospital offers modern equipment and a robust professional environment emphasizing patient safety and high-quality care.About the position:Your primary responsibilities will include diagnosing and treating patients with lung diseases such as asthma, COPD, lung cancer and other respiratory conditions. You will also supervise and mentor resident doctors, actively participating in the interdisciplinary work of the ...

  • Er du Kodenes Dungeon Master som vil lede våre deltakere til s...

    28.02.2025 Updated on: 01.03.2025

    I JobLoop ser vi etter en som kan bygge verdens beste "party" -- en mentor som kan guide våre junior-trainee utviklere gjennom kodejungelen og gjøre dem klare til å kjempe med de store i IT-bransjen. Hvis du elsker teknologi, mennesker og muligheten til å endre liv, vil vi gjerne høre fra deg!JobLoop har hatt stor suksess med "Kodehode", et tilbud som kvalifiserer ufaglærte til stillinger inn IT som lokalt arbeidsmarked etterspør. Nå ser vi etter en ny kollega i Kristiansund. Vi tilbyr både heltid og deltid slik at du kan kombinere engasjementet i våre tilbud med byråvirksomhet eller annet arbeid etter ønske. Våre veiledere kombinerer IT-faglig undervisning med inkluderende rekruttering og sosial innovasjon. Er du like glad i folk som du er i teknologi? Da er vi trolig en god match!Nå søke...

  • PhD Candidate in Optimal Energy Integration

    28.02.2025 Updated on: 01.03.2025

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.   . Video: the positionThis PhD position will be hosted at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics (ITK), holding peak competences in decision-making, optimization, control, and AI for cyber-physical systems. ITK is increasing its activities on energy, with a focus on the algorithmic aspects of the problem. This PhD position will be an aspect of this development. The position will be part of ...


    28.02.2025 Updated on: 01.03.2025

    DO YOU WANT TO WORK AS A TOURISTGUIDE IN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL REGION IN NORWAY? DO YOU LOVE FJORDS AND MOUNTAINS?THEN JOIN OUR INTERNATIONAL TEAM AND WORK WHERE OTHERS SPEND THEIR VACATION. WE ARE LOOKING FOR TOURISTGUIDES WITH SPECIALLY GERMAN SKILLS AND ONE MORE LANGUAGE (ENGLISH/ITALIAN/FRENCH/SPANISH) IN THE SUMMER SEASON 2025 (April/May - September/October).The tours will take place in the Fjordregion like Geiranger/Hellesylt, Nordfjordeid, Olden, Åndalsnes but as well in towns like Molde, Kristiansund, Ålesund and Trondheim. Most of the tours are by bus but some are walking or hiking tours as well. If you have any experience, it's fine, but not necessary. We offer a theoretical and practical training by our company. Guiding doesn't mean information only, but also entertainment, story t...

  • Båtfører/guide

    28.02.2025 Updated on: 01.03.2025

    Vi søker båtfører/guide i perioden 19.mai til 14.september 2025!Er du motivert og arbeidsom? Har du en positiv holdning og de nødvendige lisensene? Du kan passe perfekt for vårt sommerteam!Jobben inkluderer en kombinasjon av ulike oppgaver; hver dag er unik! Å fiske kongekrabber om morgenen, ta med en gruppe turister på havrafting om ettermiddagen og rense/fylle drivstoff på båtene om kvelden er bare et eksempel på hvordan arbeidsdagen din kan se ut.Hva vi tilbyr:100% stillingGemini 1060 RIB-båter med 2 x 300 hk Suzuki-motorerMorsomt og spennende utendørsarbeidEt unikt miljø for å jobbe og boNye eventyr hver dagKvalifikasjoner og egenskap:D5l-lisensVHF-kurs (eller ROC)Kurs i passasjer- og krisehåndteringHelseattest for ansatte på skipGrunnleggende sikkerhetsopplæringGyldig førerkort (minim...

  • RIB båtfører og guide søkes - Sognefjorden, Vik i Sogn

    28.02.2025 Updated on: 01.03.2025

    Er du en eventyrlysten person med lidenskap for fjorden og naturen, og kanskje liker fart og spenning?Vik Adventure søker nå dedikerte båtførere og guider til våre spektakulære RIB turer på vakre Sognefjorden!Hva vi ser etter· Inneha nødvendige sertifikater og kurs(D5L sertifikat - Sikkerhets kurs - Passasjer og krisehåndterings kurs - VHF kurs)· Gyldig helseattest· Evne til å kommunisere godt på norsk og engelsk; flere språk er en fordel· Serviceinnstilt, positiv og ansvarsfull· Fordel med gode kunnskaper om fiske og naturArbeidsoppgaver· Guide og båtfører på våre RIB båter· Skape en minneverdig opplevelse for våre gjester· Sørge for sikkerhet om bord og ivareta natur- og miljøhensyn på våre turer· Vere med å planlegge / klargjøre til turer· Eventuelt guide og båtfører på våre fisketurer ...

  • Reiseleiter (m/f/d) (Reiseleiter/in)

    Company Work International/Lansera AB in Other
    26.02.2025 Updated on: 05.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Begleite uns für eine unvergessliche Saison | Werde zertifizierter Reiseleiter in NorwegenBist du eine enthusiastische, kontaktfreudige und abenteuerlustige Person auf der Suche nach einer einzigartigen Gelegenheit, in einem der atemberaubendsten Reiseziele der Welt zu arbeiten? Liebst du es, neue Menschen kennenzulernen, faszinierende Geschichten zu erzählen und in verschiedene Kulturen einzutauchen? Dann könnte dies der perfekte Sommerjob für dich sein!Verbringe deinen Sommer (Mai–Oktober) als Reiseleiter für Kreuzfahrtgäste und begleite sie durch Norwegens beeindruckende Fjorde, majestätische Berge und charmante Küstenstädte. Deine Aufgabe ist es, spannende und informative Touren zu gestalten, um den Gästen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu ermöglichen, währen...

  • Professor / Associate Professor in Integrated Dynamic Thermal ...

    26.02.2025 Updated on: 03.03.2025

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus on professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 44,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.. Video: the jobWe seek candidates with high academic ambitions, productivity and quality. Emphasis will be placed on ability and experience in initiating and leading research and development work, and in obtaining external funding for research.The candidate will be responsible for teaching and research that will help lead the energy transition through development of efficient integrated dynamic thermal energy cycles and systems. We are especially interested in research in therma...

  • Professor / Associate Professor in Integrated Renewable Energy...

    26.02.2025 Updated on: 03.03.2025

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus on professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 44,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.. Video: the jobWe seek candidates with high academic ambitions, productivity and quality. Emphasis will be placed on ability and experience in initiating and leading research and development work, and in obtaining external funding for research.The candidate will be responsible for teaching and research within renewable energy technology which will be important for the green energy transition of Norway. The teaching will consist of basic fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and speci...

  • Vi søker etter en aktivitetsleder til vårt team i Destinasjon ...

    Company DESTINASJON 71 GRADER NORD AS in Other
    20.02.2025 Updated on: 23.02.2025

    Er du motivert, arbeidsom og søker nye opplevelser? Har du en positiv holdning og liker å jobbe i reiselivsnæringen? Da kan du passe perfekt inn i vårt team!Vi leter for tiden etter en aktivitetsleder til vårt team.Ingen dager er like, og du vil bidra på mange ulike områder i bedriften. Du vil ha et overordnet ansvar for driften på vårt anlegg på Sarnes, der du blant annet sørger for:At området rundt lavvoer og rorbuer er presentabel hele åretPåse at lavvoene og rorbuene blir vasketBestille inn sengetøy til rorbuenePåse at sjekklister blir gjort dagligOppdatert oversikt over mat og drikke som skal serveresOpplæring av sesongansatteAndre arbeidsoppgaver kan være:Guide turer (ATV-safari, RIB-safari, kongekrabbesafari, trugeturer, isfiske, ...)Forberedelse til utflukter/safarier og opprydding...

  • Associate Professor in marine biodiversity

    18.02.2025 Updated on: 24.02.2025

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus on professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 44,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.. Video: the jobThe Department of Biology at NTNU has a vacancy for an Associate Professor position in marine biodiversity. The position is sponsored for 5 years by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and will thereafter be fully covered by NTNU.The motivation for the professorship is to develop the strong research focus at the department on how different anthropogenic influences such as climate change, loss of critical habitat types, pollution and industrial aquaculture affect the biologic...

  • Kayak Guide Couple Wanted: Summer 2025 in Lofoten.

    15.02.2025 Updated on: 16.02.2025

    Kayak Guide Couple in Lofoten, Norway (Summer 2025)Hi paddlers!Saga Adventures Lofoten is looking for acouple to join us as kayak guides from May to October 2025 (start and end dates flexible).The Role:Guide mostly half day tours and occasional full-day trips.Lead soft adventures for beginner to intermediate guests.Live at our basecamp , with accommodation assistance provided.We're Looking For:A couple where both are certified kayak guides or have equivalent experience.Flexible, independent, and team-oriented individuals.A valid European passport or the right to work in Norway (Schengen area).Why Join Us?Immerse yourself in Lofoten's stunning landscapes and enjoy outdoor adventures in your free time.Work with a passionate team in one of the world's most beautiful destinations.Competitive c...

  • Tour Guides in Bergen and the Fjords of Norway

    Company BERGEN BY EXPERT AS in Other
    15.02.2025 Updated on: 16.02.2025

    We employ candidates fluent in one or more of these languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian, English. Other languages might also be of interest. Level of language must be native, or minimum oral CEFR C1/B2. Amount of work depends highly on your languages and availability.Successful candidates must complete our training program consisting of an online course that you will do from home, a series of lessons that will be repeated throughout the winter/spring (first sessions starting in November/December), and a practical part in Bergen starting in the middle of February. Final exam in May. After passing the exam and completing one season of successful work, you will obtain the certification Authorized Bergen Guide. For more information please send your CV/Europass cv with a passport pictur...

  • Two Associate Professor II positions (20%) in Developmental Ps...

    15.02.2025 Updated on: 21.02.2025

    About the positionTwo part-time non-permanent positions as Associate Professor II (20%) in Developmental Psychology* are available in the Health, Developmental, and Personality Psychology Section (HUP) of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, at the University of Oslo. The two positions are for a period of 2 years and 5 months. The projected start date for the positions is August 1, 2025 (end date is December 31, 2027).The HUP Section conducts both basic/fundamental and applied research (qualitative and quantitative) and offers teaching across the One-Year, Bachelor, Master, Professional (Clinical), and PhD programs in health, developmental, and personality psychology. The section is organized into three main units: Health Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Perso...

  • Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology

    15.02.2025 Updated on: 05.03.2025

    Job descriptionA full-time position as an Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology* is available in the Health, Developmental, and Personality Psychology (HUP) Section of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, at the University of Oslo. The HUP Section conducts both basic/fundamental and applied research (qualitative and quantitative) and offers teaching across the One-Year, Bachelor, Master, Professional (Clinical), and PhD programs in health, developmental, and personality psychology. The section is organized into three main units: Health Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Personality Psychology. The HUP Section currently comprises approximately 40 national and international staff, both permanent and non-permanent, who speak more than a dozen of different...

  • Stipendiatstilling i jordmorfag

    14.02.2025 Updated on: 20.02.2025

    Ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL) er det 2 ledige 100 % stillinger som stipendiat innen jordmorfag ved Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitskap, Institutt for helse- og omsorgsvitskap, campus Bergen.Stipendiatstillingene skal knyttes til prosjektet "Ensuring a Competent and sustainable workforce of Midwives in Norway (CompMid)" og har en tidsramme på 3 år. Stillingene planlegges med oppstart mellom mai og september 2025. Stipendiatstillingene er rekrutteringsstillinger som skal bidra til utvikling av kunnskapsfronten innen jordmorfag og bidra til et aktivt forskningsmiljø ved Master i jordmorfag og ved HVL. Stillingene er knyttet til fagseksjon for Master i jordmorfagog helsesykepleie vedInstitutt for helse- og omsorgsvitskapved Høgskulen på Vestlandet. Stipendiatene vil inngå i forskningsgrup...